Leander R. McDonald Ph.D
Leander “Russ” McDonald, PhD, is an enrolled member of the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation and a proud descendant of the Sahnish and Hidatsa Nations. Dr. McDonald has worked in higher
education for over 17 years as a researcher and administrator. He has served as the President of United Tribes Technical College for the past three years and previously served as Chaim1an for the Spirit Lake Nation. Past positions include the Vice President of Academic Affairs for
Cankdeska Cikana Community College and Assistant Professor at the Center for Rural Health at the University ofN01th Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Much of his
published research is focused on Native elders’ health 1isk and disparities, American Indian
veterans’ access to healthcare, and American Indians behavior risk factors. During his tenure as the Spirit Lake Chainnan, he provided three national testimonies in support of child protection legislation, disparities, and the resources necessary to bring parity to tribal systems. McDonald is a veteran of the U.S. Anny. He resides in Bismarck, ND with his wife Francine, and their two grandchildren, Isis and Taylor.