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Gloria O’Neill

Gloria O'Neill

Originally from Soldotna, Alaska, Ms. O’Neill is of Yup’ik, Sámi and Irish descent. She was selected to serve as the Chair of the Commission and is currently President and Chief Executive Officer for Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC). Since 1998, she has led the organization’s growth in becoming one of the most effective social service providers in Alaska and the nation.

CITC provides over 50 essential programs serving almost 20,000 Alaska Native and American Indian people each year. Through rigorous attention to community-based results, Ms. O’Neill has established CITC’s national reputation as a leading innovator of replicable and effective service models for culturally-informed education, workforce development, family preservation, substance dependency, victim and re-entry services and child care/Early Head Start programs.

In addition, Ms. O’Neill serves as CEO of the Alaska Native Justice Center (ANJC), which provides social justice, victim advocacy and re-entry services, of the Clare Swan Early Head Start Center, which provides year-round childcare and Early Head Start programming to working families, and of Get Out The Native Vote (GOTNV), dedicated to increasing Native voice in civic engagement, all of which are part of the CITC family of organizations.

Ms. O’Neill served on the University of Alaska Board of Regents from 2012-2020, and is a director of the Alaska Native Justice Center (ANJC) and the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) boards. She is also a Fellow of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Children and Family Fellowship Program.

Ms. O’Neill earned her Master’s degree in Business Administration from Alaska Pacific University.

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