Virtual Hearing – ICWA – Overview of Jurisdiction and State/Tribal/Local/Federal Collaboration to Protect Native Children
The three-person panel will provide an overview of ICWA jurisdiction and collaboration to protect Native children. During this panel, experts will present strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement for Native children, youth, and their communities.
Panelist Bios
Virtual Hearing -ICWA Jurisdiction Gallery Recording 08/05/2022
State Court Practice and Outcomes for Indian Children by Dr. Alicia Summers
Tribal-State Collaboration by Liz Muller, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
Indian Child Welfare Jurisdictional Provisions by Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Matthew L.M. Fletcher Testimony
Additional Reading
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Courts
ICWA Baseline Measure Project Findings Report
American Indian Policy – Administrative Policy No.07.01
Memorandum of Agreement Between The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe and The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Children’s Administration
Indian Children and the Federal-Tribal Trust Relationship
2019 Washington State Indian Child Welfare Case Review Tool
Lawyering the Indian Child Welfare Act
The Indian Child Welfare Act