Virtual Hearing – ICWA—Overview of Tribal Capacity Building to Prevent and Respond to Child Maltreatment and Increase Coordination of Services
The three-person panel will provide an overview of ICWA—Overview of tribal capacity building to prevent and respond to child maltreatment and increase coordination of services. During this panel, experts will present strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement for Native children, youth, and their communities.
Additional Readings
Literature Support for Outcomes Used to Evaluate Culturally and Community Based Programs
Indigenous Culture-as-Health: A Systematized Literature Review
Considerations for implementing culturally grounded trauma-informed child welfare services: recommendations for working with American Indian/ Alaska Native Populations
Children’s Justice Center
Child Advocacy Centers and Trauma Responsive Systems of Care
Tribal Law & Policy Institute presented Testimony by Cori Matthew & Chiara Cournoyer-Bruguier